
Certified Practitioner Testimonials

“Just wanted to let you know that I have been working on a protocol with the facelift cupping and other ACE products and getting phenomenal results with clients. Every one of them has purchased the ACE home care products.  We are getting comments like…

“My skin has never felt this good since I was 30 ( she’s over 60) and I don’t think it even really felt this good then either.”

“My skin feels as smooth as a baby’s bottom. I can’t stop touching it!  It feels so smooth.”

Thank you so much for the technique. This is exactly what I needed to take this to the next level. Many thanks again.”

– Debra Clydesdale (California)

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Client Testimonials

 “I had pain in my upper arms for over 20 years. It was in a specific spot where the mid deltoid meets the lateral side of the bicep,  I received physical therapy, muscle relaxants, anti-inflammatory medication… nothing helped. At night my arm would go numb and I would have to lift it up with my other hand.  A few months ago, Anita began incorporating cupping of that area with a monthly massage. Within 3 months, the pain was completely gone. I have a greater range of motion than I have had in years in that area. It took 3 cupping sessions to eliminate a problem I had for more than 20 years.”

– G.G. (Asheville, NC)

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