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Client Testimonials
“For the past twenty years I have been getting massages regularly for general health and mental well being and have found the effects relaxing. Recently I experienced cupping, integrated with the total body massage and left the session not only totally and completely relaxed, but highly energized as well. Mentally I was more alert, focused, and positive. Physically I was so energized that I wanted to start the gardening, cooking, knitting, and other projects that I had been procrastinating over. The revitalized feeling lasted for days after the message making me feel more energetic and physically stronger. It was like a mental and physical tune up, just absolutely wonderful!
Thanks again, Anita and remember I would be happy to be a willing subject too for class demonstrations etc. Just call or email me.”
Carolyn Termini (Asheville, NC)
After a number of sessions of massage with cupping I have experienced cumulative and lasting benefits. I have been struggling to overcome the effects of dental mercury amalgam poisoning for a number of years. After amalgam was removed, I have mercifully been able to come back from immunological and structural devastation. However, I have been left with an uncomfortable torquing of the spine accompanied by chronic muscle spasms in the shoulders and neck. These seemed exhaustingly permanent and have never been relieved by traditional methods of massage. Cupping, however, has produced marked improvements in posture and muscle position that are nothing short of exhilarating. To my delight, I have also experienced a deep sense of strengthening in immune function as well.”
– J.J. (Asheville, NC)
“I had pain in my upper arms for over 20 years. It was in a specific spot where the mid deltoid meets the lateral side of the bicep, I received physical therapy, muscle relaxants, anti-inflammatory medication… nothing helped. At night my arm would go numb and I would have to lift it up with my other hand. Â A few months ago, Anita began incorporating cupping of that area with a monthly massage. Within 3 months, the pain was completely gone. I have a greater range of motion than I have had in years in that area. It took 3 cupping sessions to eliminate a problem I had for more than 20 years.”
– G.G. (Asheville, NC)