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Cupping Therapy is Center Stage at the 2016 Olympic Summer Games
Viewers from around the world tuning into the 2016 Olympic Summer Games in Brazil got quite the surprise as 19 time gold medalist Michael Phelps took to the water wearing strange purple marks that appeared as bruising across his body. These marks are not actually bruises which traditionally appear due to impact to the body. These marks are actually “Cup Kisses” as we like to call them, and are an indication that the patient has received Cupping Therapy in recent days. Cup Kisses have very different characteristics compared to regular bruising. These Cup Kisses generally last between 1-2 weeks. They are totally safe for your body, and are actually an indication that the therapy is working its magic on your body.
This relatively underground treatment has been gaining in popularity in recent years, as word of mouth spreads and the benefits of Cupping Therapy continue to be discovered. Now though, with popular Olympic athletes utilizing Cupping Therapy as a way to gain a competitive edge, this ancient practice is seeing a massive spike in interest.
Olympic Athletes such as Phelps are put under intense scrutiny by the World Anti-Doping Association (WADA) in regard to what substances and medical procedures they can utilize for strengthening and recovery in and out of competition. Cupping Therapy is a safe and competition-legal way for these athletes to maximize their strength and recovery phases for competitions. Cupping Therapy may also be used to enhance overall body strengthening, as it has beneficial effects on the muscular system. In addition to Cupping Therapy’s effects on athletic performance enhancement, healthcare professionals can also utilize Cupping Therapy to address a countless number of physical and mental issues throughout the entire body, including the lymphatic system.
Although Michael Phelps’ Cup Kisses have brought Cupping Therapy to the masses, a countless number of professional and amateur athletes around the world have been utilizing Cupping Therapy to improve their body and optimize their athletic performance. For example, well known Team USA professional cyclist Willow Koerber used Cupping Therapy throughout her medal winning cycling career.
It’s not just athletes who take advantage of the many benefits of Cupping Therapy though. A-list celebrities such as Justin Bieber, Victoria Beckham, Jennifer Aniston, and Gwyneth Paltrow have all been spotted proudly wearing their Cup Kisses for the public to see. These celebrities likely use Cupping Therapy as an alternative to more invasive and painful medical procedures that enhance beauty and wellness.
ACE Massage Cupping™ therapy is a pleasant and gentle, non-invasive technique that achieves powerful results in:
How can I get started with Cupping Therapy?
ACE offers a wide range of options for healthcare professionals and the public to get started with their journey into the world of Cupping Therapy.
[udesign_icon_font name=”fa fa-map circle-wrap” color=”#1e57c9″ size=”0.6em”] Find a Cupping Therapist in Your Area
ACE keeps a comprehensive list of ACE Cupping Therapists that have been certified by competing one of our courses. If you’re interested in having Cupping Therapy performed on your body, ACE highly recommends you only receive these treatments from a trained and certified Cupping Therapist.
Find a Cupping Therapy Practitioner
[udesign_icon_font name=”fa fa-graduation-cap circle-wrap” color=”#bc3c1c” size=”0.6em”] In-Person Cupping Therapy Workshops
Healthcare Professionals and the general public are invited to attend one our ACE Massage Cupping™ or MediCupping™ workshops held throughout North America and Europe. Our classes generally last between 2-3 days and grant between 12-26 NCBTMB-approved CE credits upon completion of the workshop. This also certifies you as an ACE Certified Cupping Therapist.
View Upcoming Cupping Therapy Workshops
[udesign_icon_font name=”fa fa-globe circle-wrap” color=”#29a518″ size=”0.6em”] Online Classes
Ttherapists that are too far away from an in-person workshop now have another alternative to receive their ACE Cupping Certification. ACE Institute Online, our brand new online learning site, is now open for enrollment. Students from around the world that wish to learn the secrets of Cupping Therapy may now receive their ACE Certification from the comfort and convenience of their own home.
Students may take courses in ACE Massage Cupping™ or MediCupping™ VacuTherapies. These courses take students through an easily digestible series of lessons and comprehensive training videos that form a great entry point into the world of Cupping Therapy. Our site is optimized for PC, Mac, iOS, and Android.
Enroll Today at ACE Institute Online.
[udesign_icon_font name=”fa fa-industry circle-wrap” color=”#a21bba” size=”0.6em”] Massage Therapy Tradeshows and Conventions
Each year, ACE’s Certified ACE Massage Cupping Educators (CMCE) visit numerous massage therapy conventions and tradeshows throughout North America and Europe. During these events, our CMCE’s often hold demonstrations, special classes, and discussions centered around the benefits, techniques, training, and business aspects of Cupping Therapy.
Be on the lookout for an ACE booth at your next convention, and be sure to stop by and say hello.
[udesign_icon_font name=”fa fa-ship circle-wrap” color=”#15d6bc” size=”0.7em”] Seminars at Sea
Coming in 2017, ACE is proud to be taking part in Seminars at Sea, a special week-long caribbean cruise aboard Royal Caribbean’s Allure of the Seas. You won’t want to miss this very special class hosted by ACE’s founder Anita J. Shannon.